HUCC Vanco Online (if you don't have the phone app)
We also know that supporting HUCC is important to you. Our work supporting disciples and our community will not stop because of this public health challenge.
This is a friendly reminder that HUCC uses Vanco eGiving tools, so you can continue to support our work using Vanco Mobile.
HUCC is a strong community. We will weather this together, even if we’re not all in services. We appreciate your giving, and we do important work with your generosity. As we alter the way we operate, please consider making a gift via Vanco Mobile.
Thank you,
We also know that supporting HUCC is important to you. Our work supporting disciples and our community will not stop because of this public health challenge.
This is a friendly reminder that HUCC uses Vanco eGiving tools, so you can continue to support our work using Vanco Mobile.
HUCC is a strong community. We will weather this together, even if we’re not all in services. We appreciate your giving, and we do important work with your generosity. As we alter the way we operate, please consider making a gift via Vanco Mobile.
Thank you,
We are grateful for the opportunity to serve the world through our gifts. You can help us support our vision and mission by contributing here. You can make a one time donation online here, or set yourself up for recurring gifts. You are also welcome to give using the Vanco Mobile App with your smartphone. If you prefer to give in person, please contact the office from About Us -> Connect page
Vanco Mobile
Our Vanco Mobile app allows anyone to give on their phone – wherever they are. Supporting our church’s mission is as easy as 1-2-3 With Vanco Mobile our members and guests can express their generosity in the moment — right from the palm of their hand.
At Hummelstown UCC, we believe we are blessed to be a blessing! We give in response to God’s word of abundance. It’s not a debt that we owe–it’s a seed that we sow. By honoring God with our generosity we create a channel of blessing that is having life-changing impact in Pennsylvania and around the world!
At Hummelstown UCC, we believe we are blessed to be a blessing! We give in response to God’s word of abundance. It’s not a debt that we owe–it’s a seed that we sow. By honoring God with our generosity we create a channel of blessing that is having life-changing impact in Pennsylvania and around the world!
–> Other Ways to give <–
Give at the Worship Service
You can give cash or check using the offering envelopes while attending any worship service. If you need a box of envelopes, please contact the office for an assigned number and a box of weekly envelopes.
Mail Your Offering
You may mail your offering directly to the office:
Hummelstown United Church of Christ
104 E Main Street
Hummesltown, PA 17036
Give at the Worship Service
You can give cash or check using the offering envelopes while attending any worship service. If you need a box of envelopes, please contact the office for an assigned number and a box of weekly envelopes.
Mail Your Offering
You may mail your offering directly to the office:
Hummelstown United Church of Christ
104 E Main Street
Hummesltown, PA 17036