Our covenant is to love people
and we work to live that out every day
"My command is this: Love each other as I have loved you." (John 15:12)
Recognizing there are those who have known the pain of discrimination in the church and society, we invite everyone to experience God’s love here. The United Church of Christ of Hummelstown affirms all persons are created in the image of God and so welcome the full inclusion of all people in the communion, life, and ministries of this community of faith seekers. We celebrate and embrace diversity of faith journey, economic status, sexual orientation, gender identity, race, national origin, age, relationship status, physical or mental ability, and political affiliation. We proclaim this statement of inclusion – no matter who you are or where you are on life’s journey, you are welcome here.
Recognizing there are those who have known the pain of discrimination in the church and society, we invite everyone to experience God’s love here. The United Church of Christ of Hummelstown affirms all persons are created in the image of God and so welcome the full inclusion of all people in the communion, life, and ministries of this community of faith seekers. We celebrate and embrace diversity of faith journey, economic status, sexual orientation, gender identity, race, national origin, age, relationship status, physical or mental ability, and political affiliation. We proclaim this statement of inclusion – no matter who you are or where you are on life’s journey, you are welcome here.
The Journey
In 2014, based on basic justice concerns and commitment to open hearted hospitality, The United Church of Christ of Hummelstown began to discuss and reflect theologically on the meaning of becoming an Open and Affirming congregation. Though as a congregation, we understood ourselves as already open to diversity, we understood the significance of a public statement that held our progressive Christianity and our commitment to affirm all God’s children together as integral to our particular mission.
Following congregational engagement on how best to put this message of radical and encompassing love into action, the church received an Official Certification by the Open and Affirming(ONA) Coalition of the UCC on July 12, 2017
For more information about the ONA process and the UCC designation, check out the UCC Open and Affirming Coalition (UCC Open and Affirming Coalition)
Following congregational engagement on how best to put this message of radical and encompassing love into action, the church received an Official Certification by the Open and Affirming(ONA) Coalition of the UCC on July 12, 2017
For more information about the ONA process and the UCC designation, check out the UCC Open and Affirming Coalition (UCC Open and Affirming Coalition)